Magnetic flux leakage testing can detect defects such as cracks and pores in welds, ensuring that the quality of steel pipes meets standards
Tianjin Ruicheng Testing 'Technology Co., Ltd.Tianjin Ruicheng Testing Technology Co., a wholly-ownedsubsidiary of Tianjin Cunhao Technology Co., Ltd. Tianjin Ruicheng TestingTechnology is located in Tianjin Binhai High-Tech Zone, China. TianjinRuicheng Testing technology, Co. Ltd mainly provides non-destructive testingproducts for the defects of seamless steel pipe, bar and plate, in the face ofcustomer equipment aging, lack of technical ability, equipment can not berepaired and maintenance and other technical field problems, to provide deeptechnical support, large, complex, professional, multi-field span and otherdifficulties are solved.

Our productsare self-developed, and we have R&D engineers anddelivery engineers to serve you. lf you encounter any technical issues with our products, we have the ability to provide the fastest solutions. lf necessary, wewill arrive on site as soon as possible to handle the issue. We can also providefree trials of our products.

Through the test, the sensor signal sensitivity, signal-to-noise ratio andother comprehensive indicators produced by Ruicheng are higher than similarproducts. In the face of the differences in working conditions , from the initialresearch and development of the flaw detection drive device to the laterlanding, the implementation of professional customized services, enhanceproduct performance, extend product service life, and have been widelyrecognized by customers.

Products Represent
Magnetic Leakage Lengthways Shoe
Compatible with Tuboscope
Function: Detect longitudinal defects of the steel pipe, including longitudinal cracks, scratches,scratches on the inner surface, inner corrugation, inner straightening and other defects

Magnetic Leakage Transverse Shoe(test head>)Compatible with Tuboscope
Function: Detect the transverse defects of the steel pipe, including: external folding, externalscarring,transverse scratches,inclusions

Magnetic Leakage Shoe(transverse direction) Compatible with FOERSTER
Function: Detect the transverse defects of the steel pipe, including: external folding, external
scarring, transverse scratches, inclusions

Magnetic Leakage Shoe(longitudinal direction) Compatible with FOERSTER
Function: Detect longitudinal defects of the steel pipe, including longitudinal cracks, scratches,
scratches on the inner surface, inner corrugation, inner straightening and other defects

Magnetic Leakage Longitudinal Test Head Support Compatible with FOERSTER
Function: Mounting frame for driving probe action